Instagram Project

One of the tasks was to complete a 7 day Instagram campaign. I upload daily onto Instagram anyway, so I simply carried on with what I was doing. One of the specifications of the task was to use your phone and take photos with that. I have a feed that is curated and only work... Continue Reading →

Post-shoot thoughts

My shoot was on the 29th of November and I've had a few days to edit the final images and think about the shoot. What went well: Generally, the shoot went really well. My first year assistant was excellent and really helped with the smooth running of the shoot. My model turned up on time... Continue Reading →

Lighting Diagrams

As my model is a singer, I want to try and emulate the feel of stage lighting. To do this, I intend to use a 70cm Octagonal Softbox about a foot above the models head but pointing down. This will give the effect of overhead lighting. I will then experiment with background lighting, most likely... Continue Reading →

Writing a call sheet

Call sheets are an excellent way of organising a whole group of people so they all know what is going on when, even if they aren't involved in the other events. I had to write up a call sheet for my first year assistant. I prefer to get to shoots before the other members in... Continue Reading →

My website

I have had a website for a few years now. I switched to Squarespace two years ago because I wanted a cleaner layout and an easy to use builder. The front page of my website has a full screen image with an "Enter button" and all my social media links at the bottom, all of... Continue Reading →

The Bernstein Portrait

This is one of my favourite portraits of a musician. Leonard Bernstein is a composer and conductor who composed music such as West Side Story, On the Waterfront and Peter Pan. He holds such status within the industry which is portrayed within this image. It is bold, well lit and composed in such a way... Continue Reading →

Michael Bublé – full body portrait

This full body portrait of Michael Bublé is full of character and drama. It represents his music, bold and interesting but still with underlying classy jazz tones. This seems to have been lit by one large light source, creating a whitewash on the floor and background and also creating a soft shadow on the left.... Continue Reading →

Initial Ideas for To Advance Brief

Saturday Supplement Fashion I am not particularly interested in fashion photography. I really enjoy assisting on fashion shoots, its a good insight into the industry and you meet a broad range of people, however when it comes to shooting fashion I'm not massively interested. 2. Food Food again is another area that doesn't really interest... Continue Reading →

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