Music video location

This is my confirmed location for the music video shoot. It is Camber Sands, a huge stretch of white sand beach that suits the cinematic feel I am going for.

Music Industry Test Images

Due to other work commitments it is difficult for me to use the studio to test images, however I am taking inspiration from a previous studio shoot I did where I emulated stage lighting. Stage lighting is usually a combination of overhead lights and forward facing lights. If you photograph a concert or performance from... Continue Reading →

Photographers – Jake Chasmeddine

Jake Chasmeddine is a concert and tour photographer who has worked with artists such as Lorde and Panic! at the Disco. Jake has a particular way of capturing both beautiful live concert imagery and funny and interesting backstage photos. Jake has taken full advantage of social media and how it can be used for brands... Continue Reading →

Photographers – Mick Rock

Mick Rock is considered "The photographer who shot the 70s". Rock worked with huge artists such as David Bowie, Sex Pistols and Queen. He has shot over 100 album covers. My favourite work of his is the studio portraits of David Bowie. There is something more intimate about a 1 on 1 session with an... Continue Reading →

Photographers – Ian Macmillan

Macmillan was the photographer behind the iconic Beatles "Abbey Road" album photograph. Abbey Road Studios is a recording studio where lots of famous musicians have recorded music and is also used for session recordings. Macmillan was 67 when he died in 2006. His career progressed from shooting artists and musicians to eventually teaching photography at... Continue Reading →

Album Covers – Steely Dan

Steely Dan is one of the most influential musicians in the pop and jazz scene during the 80s and 90s. He influenced bands such as Toto, and a drum pattern from Steely Dan "Home at Last" was used on the Toto track "Rosanna". However, like most high end super bands like Toto and Steely Dan,... Continue Reading →

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