Billboard research – Porcupine house

This advert stood out to me. The use of eye catching portraiture is a common theme in advertisement. I feel this is because it is easier to connect on a human level to another face. This striking portrait of a lady with an incredible Mohawk works really well, and the vertical crop of the image... Continue Reading →

Billboard research – film poster

I recently shot the behind the scenes and promo imagery for a short film filmed in London. The brief revolved around the colour yellow/orange as the main plot is a girl confronting her ex boyfriend and demanding he gives her back her jumper. Noah Twine designed the typeface and layout of the image after I... Continue Reading →

Billboard location recce

This is a ford in Eynsham, Kent. I found this place using an online blog tracking all current fords in the Kent area. This will be perfect for my shoot. I shot from both angles and decided I would shoot away from the high street as this would be the nicest background.

Billboard Mockup

This is a mockup of my billboard shoot following a recce to the location. Composite from a location shot, a previous Land Rover shoot and a stock image.  

Land Rover adverts – Rhino

I like this advert because it shows more of a location. It's interesting to see that the 110 is advertised as more of a utility vehicle but the 90 is advertised as an off-roader a lot more. I intend to use a 90 for my billboard shoot, simply because it is smaller and easier to... Continue Reading →

Land Rover adverts

These are some old Land Rover adverts I found. The timeless nature of these speaks true to my desire to shoot a Land Rover. These two adverts are similar but are definitely tailored to two audiences. The first is a more classy advert, appealing to the countryside dweller who enjoys a drive in the country,... Continue Reading →

Billboard research – poor imagery

I saw these campaigns popping up on the tube and was taken aback by the poor quality of the images. They look like they’ve been taken by a GCSE student in a basic school studio. If an advert isn’t interesting or aesthetically pleasing, people will eventually tune out.

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