Closing thoughts on LensLife brief

These are my final thoughts on the LensLife brief. I have enjoyed this brief and the range of imagery I have been able to create to satisfy the brief. I have enjoyed creating different types of imagery such as workspaces imagery (quite popular on Instagram) but also being able to apply some of my knowledge... Continue Reading →

Final image – App in context

This is my final image for the app in context element of the LensLife brief. This is my final image. I like the setup and the colours running throughout. My thought process behind this was how I send images to friends and designers for feedback on my website layout. In this image I have a... Continue Reading →

Final image – Creative network

This is my final image for the expanding your creative network for the LensLife brief. This final image shows how artists can collaborate with others around the globe. In this instance, my girlfriend is demonstrating how she would use the app to collaborate with an artist and friend in New Zealand, demonstrating colour palettes and... Continue Reading →

Final image – Sustainability

This is my final image for the sustainability element of the LensLife brief. I decided to go against my original idea of a composite image and shoot something a bit more straightforward. I did this as social media calls for quick, digestible content. It isn't the right place for an in depth conceptual image. I... Continue Reading →

Final image – Joy

This is my final image for the "Moment of joy" element of the LensLife Brief. I thought about what everyday moments during this period spark "joy". I thought about a morning cup of coffee, an afternoon run or having more time to sit at the piano again. However I finally concluded that this could be... Continue Reading →

Working from home – Final Image

This is my final image for the "Working from home" element of the LensLife brief. I really like this final image. It took quite a while to get right whilst shooting as I was shooting an overhead self portrait. I edited it in a light and airy fashion, a processing style quite popular for social... Continue Reading →

Image Testing – Working from home

An interesting concept that has become so mainstream and part of our lives very quickly is working from home. As we have become confined to out houses and flats during this period, a lot of people have had to change how they work and where they work. My initial idea was to have an almost... Continue Reading →

Image testing – Sustainability

Sustainability is one of the key selling points behind LensLife. It reduces paper waste from printing off imagery and feedback forms and allows for an entirely digital process, saving the trees! I am working on a scenario where a phone is placed on top of a pile of shredded paper. The paper was already shredded,... Continue Reading →

Image testing – App in context

One of the scenarios that LensLife wants us to photograph is the app being used in context. I thought about what I would send to colleagues and I came to a conclusion; the one thing I always ask for is feedback. I find this crucial when working on images, text, video and design. In this... Continue Reading →

Image Testing – Network

One of the 5 scenarios LensLife want us to explore is "expanding your creative network". I work with different people on a day to day basis; MUAs, Stylists, Managers and Directors. The slight issue now is that I can't see any of them face to face. However my partner is an artist and designer and... Continue Reading →

My delivery and edit process

As this unit is partially creating content for LensLife but also helping them with some market research, I thought I would share my process when it comes to delivering for a client and providing changes. This is a graphic I made to demonstrate my delivery process, from production to publishing. The key point is Transfer... Continue Reading →

Trying the LensLife App

The Lenslife Mobile app is interesting. I like the concept and the ideas behind how it would work. This is the home screen/camera screen. Nice and minimal and from a photography perspective, all you need. You can then add an image or take one and overlay text. I would like to be able to reposition... Continue Reading →

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