Victoria 14h May

I was assisting up in Holloway so after the shoot I decided to go down to London Bridge and walk to Victoria. This long walk allowed me to see a large range of architecture, and due to the harsh sunlight, the shadows worked really well for me. Along lots of main roads there are trees... Continue Reading →

London Bridge 11th May

I walked from London Bridge station up past the Barbican (accidentally finding myself in Bank) to get some contrasty black and white photos. The light, architecture and amount of people played into my hands. I got a nice collection of images that have a good amount of variety. I enjoy shooting street work in portrait... Continue Reading →

Buckingham Palace 10th May

I took an afternoon to walk from St Pancras down to Victoria to take some street photos. This gave me a good window of time to get a solid collection of images. It was a little cloudy, so the light wasn't perfect for what I wanted, so I took advantage of playing with shadows. These... Continue Reading →

Stratford 18th April

I went to Stratford for the long stretches of concrete, bridges and reflective surfaces in the surrounding areas. The light was really strong, perfect for what I wanted, giving me lots of shadow and harsh highlights. Unfortunately, it was the hottest day of the year, so everybody was either inside or lying on the grass.... Continue Reading →

Photo-books, organising and planning

On the 27th April we spent a day looking at phonebooks with Celine and Geraint. The session was really interesting, learning about different paper weights, the science behind how photo-books actually work when it comes to somebody looking through it and how people lay out their books. We then printed out contact sheets of our... Continue Reading →

Peer Review-19th April 2018

A task set prior to the lesson was to create a Treatment board. This is made up of inspiring images, artist research and other useful things that help build an idea of what it is you want to create. We then swapped around in groups which allowed us to give feedback to each other. I... Continue Reading →

Eric Kim – Inspiration 

Eric Kim - Inspiration Eric Kim is a street photographer based in California. His black and white work is very intriguing, as it could be seen as quite abstract. He focuses mainly on Asian communities as he himself is Asian, giving him a gateway into the tightly knit communities. He is another photographer who creates... Continue Reading →

Joe Greer – Inspiration 

Joe Greer - Inspiration Joe Greer is a freelance photographer based in NYC. His images document day to day life of the population in NYC. He shoots with mainly black and white film, which shows the gritty urban nature of New York. He spends a lot of time on the Subway, where he photographs the... Continue Reading →

Alan Schaller – Inspiration 

Alan Schaller is a London based photographer who specialises in black and white photography. His work abstract and surreal, with high contrast and shows the diversities of human life. He is my main inspiration for this black and white book. His series “Metropolis” is very much about people interacting with big modern structures. I prefer the... Continue Reading →

Bank/Soho shoot – 3rd April

I walked from Bank Station to Soho and Piccadilly circus to take some street images for the photostory. The light was quite flat, not giving me the harsh shadows and highlights I usually look for. However, I found that as it got darker, I was able to use artificial lights to replicate the effect. Shop... Continue Reading →

Regents Park – 24th March

Regents Park - 24th March My goal was to find interesting architecture up by Regents park. I had done some research prior to my trip and and I found about the Royal College of Physicians and the Institute of Education. Unfortunately these proved to be fruitless as I could get close enough and/or find anything... Continue Reading →

London Bridge Shoot – 21st March

On the 21st March I walked from Waterloo station to London Bridge in search of some interesting street images. I wanted to show a population interacting with architecture and each other, and walking a distance really showed a range of things. Firstly, I wanted to document people scaled next to buildings. Due to the number... Continue Reading →

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