Land Rover, the best 4 x 4 x far

Whilst researching for my report, I found this old Land Rover Advert which gave me an insight into how ambitious some companies are with their advertising. This televised advert features a Land Rover scaling a dam using its winch.

Artist Research: William Eggleston and Lee Friedlander

As part of my research into the historical context of automotive photography, I decided to look at the two pioneers of documentary photography mixed with automotive photography. William Eggleston is an American documentary photographer who became famous for his exploration into colour film (black and white was considered the go-to at the time). What I... Continue Reading →

Guest Speaker | Nadia Ryder

Nadia Ryder is a portrait photographer based in London. Her work revolves around very simple lighting and colour palettes, coupled with a filmic feel to her images. Nadia spoke to my group about how to organise shoots, get modelling agencies on board and lighting setups. It was interesting to find out she prefers working with... Continue Reading →

The AOP and RPS Exhibitions

The AOP and RPS exhibitions were held at the Old Truman Brewery in Aldgate and held a large collection of work ranging from portraits to landscape and lifestyle. I was impressed not only by the large range of work but also the quality of the exhibition. The space was large and well lit, as well... Continue Reading →

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