Final Lavazza Print

These are my two final crops for the Lavazza Project. All in all I'm quite pleased with the outcome. I'm quite certain my ambition was higher than my ability in this project, however I still enjoyed the process and have learnt a lot of things along the way.

Building the Shark Tank

After I photographed the shark in the aquarium, I started making my composite. I started by masking out the shark, getting the size right and balancing the colours. I then placed it on the background I photographed in the Aquarium. This allowed me to have a basis for the tank. I later photographed my model,... Continue Reading →

Lavazza Research, Jaws and Jurassic World

Two film posters that heavily influenced my Lavazza project were Jaws and the first Jurassic World film. These two posters feature subject that are oblivious to the imminent danger. The Jaws poster is a classic. The woman swimming along the surface and a high Great White shark coming for her. This creates a reaction of... Continue Reading →


I have amended my Lavazza composite idea. I have decided to scrap the initial idea of a woman floating in water and go down the really surreal, mind bending route. MY concept is to have a window cleaner on the inside of a tank in dry clothing, cleaning the inside. This is weird - why... Continue Reading →

Contacting London Aquarium

I contacted London Aquarium to get some advice on the best times to take images. They responded with some rules and regulations about taking photos but unfortunately no advice on visiting times. Luckily, I was able to find some further information (buried away in their site) about the quietest time to visit. This will ensure... Continue Reading →

Digital Darkroom Brief – Initial Ideas

Brief requirements: Human Portrait Landscape Coffee Cup Props (Optional) Still life (Optional) After researching previous Lavazza campaigns, I found the common theme was quite fantastical and mythical. I decided I want to do something more oceanic, as I've always been fascinated by the deep ocean. One concept I have in mind is a figure in... Continue Reading →

Car Comp Task

Today we experimented with composite images. Our homework tase was to bring in a background image and a car to add to the background. I chose an image of a Land Rover that I shot last year as well as a landscape of the hills in Exmoor. The surface texture was similar as well as... Continue Reading →

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