Thoughts on the brief – Images that Persuade

Music Industry I really like the idea of collaborating with people within the music industry. Being a musician myself, I always feel at ease when surrounded by music and likeminded individuals, so I am excited to see where the project takes me. I have photographed lots of solo artists in the past and would like... Continue Reading →

Mood Board

I want the main theme of this shoot to based around a 50s style crooner portrait. I really like the simple but classic nature of the portraits. In this mood board there are some classic composers such as Bernstein and Stravinsky, but the portraits are so striking I had to include them.

Shoot ideas

I've drawn some images onto the layout to give myself an idea of what I would like to capture during the shoot. I will have to shoot a large range of imagery, something that is a challenge for a portrait shoot. I have asked my model to bring in a range of smart clothing and... Continue Reading →

Week 2 – Class notes

Accountancy  Anthonisz Neville (Chris) Who we are  Accountants and Auditors  Niche firm consisting of 4 partners  Diverse client bases  One stop shop  Why engage with an accountant?  Use your own time more effectively  Assist in financial planning  Review your performance  Understand business  The trap of DIY Saving costs but wasting time  Lack of knowledge and... Continue Reading →

Week 1 – Class notes

Brainstorming  What do I need to progress?  Skillset Technical skills, camera knowledge  Software  Composition  Time management  Dedication POCP (May 2019) AOP junior assistant (achievable after course has run)  Adobe Certified Professional  Self Motivation Phone skills - collect all information Exposure Website Social Media  Marketing (business cards) Competitions  Online distribution  Festivals (Visa Pour L’image) Experience  Assisting ... Continue Reading →

Final Lavazza Print

These are my two final crops for the Lavazza Project. All in all I'm quite pleased with the outcome. I'm quite certain my ambition was higher than my ability in this project, however I still enjoyed the process and have learnt a lot of things along the way.

Building the Shark Tank

After I photographed the shark in the aquarium, I started making my composite. I started by masking out the shark, getting the size right and balancing the colours. I then placed it on the background I photographed in the Aquarium. This allowed me to have a basis for the tank. I later photographed my model,... Continue Reading →

Lavazza Research, Jaws and Jurassic World

Two film posters that heavily influenced my Lavazza project were Jaws and the first Jurassic World film. These two posters feature subject that are oblivious to the imminent danger. The Jaws poster is a classic. The woman swimming along the surface and a high Great White shark coming for her. This creates a reaction of... Continue Reading →

Aquarium Shoot

The shoot at the Aquarium was a mixed bag of success for me. The conditions weren't the best to shoot in, especially with a polariser. My main issue was the animals themselves. The sharks I went there to photograph were big and cumbersome, and didn't represent what I was interested in. The smaller reef sharks... Continue Reading →

Victoria 14h May

I was assisting up in Holloway so after the shoot I decided to go down to London Bridge and walk to Victoria. This long walk allowed me to see a large range of architecture, and due to the harsh sunlight, the shadows worked really well for me. Along lots of main roads there are trees... Continue Reading →

London Bridge 11th May

I walked from London Bridge station up past the Barbican (accidentally finding myself in Bank) to get some contrasty black and white photos. The light, architecture and amount of people played into my hands. I got a nice collection of images that have a good amount of variety. I enjoy shooting street work in portrait... Continue Reading →

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