First Shoot for Fanzine: Studio Shoot

The first shoot for my fanzine was photographing Mat in the studio, recording his songs for his new EP. This was a really interesting process and my friendship with Mat really helped. If it was a stranger then the working around each other may have been a bit awkward, however Mat just let me get on with my thing and we had a lot of fun. I stayed with him over a weekend (the final two days of the recording). From a personal perspective it was interesting learning about how the creative and recording process works. From a photographic perspective, I feel I captured some of the most genuine photos I’ve ever taken. I was able to photograph Mat in his highs and lows, especially when something wasn’t quite working or when he was really into the music.

Matt Roberts Test Export-20.jpg

What can I improve on?

One of the things I feel I could improve on is the amount of photographs I take. Due to the length of the day and the setting, it was hard to document everything in an interesting way. For the next shoot I’ll make more of an effort to document a lot more.

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