The AOP and RPS Exhibitions

The AOP and RPS exhibitions were held at the Old Truman Brewery in Aldgate and held a large collection of work ranging from portraits to landscape and lifestyle. I was impressed not only by the large range of work but also the quality of the exhibition. The space was large and well lit, as well as the photos being printed on high quality paper and simple framing, making for a brilliant viewing experience.

RPS Award

My favourite image from the RPS award is this portrait. What I particularly like about this portrait is the simple lighting setup and the soft light. There is a low light on the background as well as a diffused light on the models face. I really like this contrast and the almost “single light setup” feel this has, with just a small amount of light creating interest in the background. I also like how the colour of the model’s skin almost matches the background colour. This creates a very simple colour palette.

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AOP Awards

My favourite image from the AOP awards is this environmental portrait of a dirt track rider by Benedict Redgrove. I like the simplicity and minimal aspect of this portrait, and as an individual who has a love for motorsport this image jumped out at me. I imagine he was going for a Salt Flat feel with the colour palette and the washed out white look. This highlights the character of the person being photographed and creates an edgy feel. The level of detail in the image is remarkable, the tiny flecks of mud and water on the visor of the helmet and over the suit are pin sharp and add that next level of interest.


I would highly recommend the exhibition to anybody who has an interest in photography simply due to the huge range of imagery. Even from an artistic point of view there are aspects of the work that seem like paintings, as well as the minimal and experimental images that are on show.

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